December, 03 2024

● More than 800 confectioners nationwide will participate in a diploma course that will provide them with key tools for the development of their businesses.
● Currently, 79% of pastry-making enterprises are born and developed at home.

Confectionery is an economic activity in which the home is the protagonist space. These enterprises are not only born at home, but they are also the point of attention for their customers. According to an IPSOS study, by 2023, 79% of confectioners will develop, manage and serve their customers from home. It is in this context and as part of its commitment to the development of Peruvian micro-entrepreneurs, Alicorp, Centrum PUCP, Yape, Mibanco and Nova have joined forces to carry out an innovative training program aimed at members of the Repostera de Oro community. 

This training program, aimed at women entrepreneurs who have established home-based pastry businesses, aims to strengthen their business skills and improve the management of their enterprises. The program, which will be delivered virtually, will benefit more than 800 women bakers nationwide, providing them with access to specialized knowledge in key areas such as accounting, finance, digital marketing and operational management. With a practical approach, participants will be able to apply what they have learned directly to their businesses, boosting their growth and competitiveness in a constantly evolving market.

“This is a great opportunity for the country's confectioners. Thanks to an asynchronous methodology, it will guarantee the necessary flexibility so that pastry chefs can continue with their daily activities without leaving their training aside. At Alicorp we understand the needs of entrepreneurs, the importance of training and support in the growth of their businesses. Here we make tangible our commitment to be an ally of their development”, said Gustavo Peralta, Alicorp's Gastronomy and Baking Director.

“At Yape we are committed to promoting the financial inclusion of thousands of Peruvians; and teaching financial education is a key step to achieve this goal. To date, we have financially included more than 5 million Peruvians, and with this alliance, we will reach out to more entrepreneurial reposteras so that they can learn about the benefits of the financial system and use it to continue growing,” said Marcelo Alzamora, Sustainability Manager of Yape.   

At the end of the course, participants will receive a certification from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, which will validate their efforts and open up new opportunities to professionalize their businesses.

A community to keep growing

The Repostera de Oro community emerged in 2017 and has a presence in the digital world with a community on Facebook and Instagram, complemented with in-person events and trainings in various cities in Peru. This year, the community has been part of the Ruta de Oro together with Rosalyn Picón, founder of Dulcefina, bringing knowledge and baking techniques to more than 1,400 women entrepreneurs in Lima, Piura and Arequipa, with plans to expand to Trujillo, Chiclayo, Huancayo and Chimbote.

Alicorp reaffirms its commitment to the growth of Peruvian entrepreneurs, promoting initiatives that encourage training, talent and innovation in the national gastronomy, accompanying their development. For more information about “Reposteras de Oro” and to be part of the following face-to-face workshops, you can join the Reposteras de Oro community on Facebook and Instagram.