July, 25 2024
  • UNACEM Association, UNACEM and Alicorp delivered 25 tons of non-perishable food through the 'Manka Kusi' project at the Huertos de Manchay Municipal Stadium.
  •  Alicorp-UNACEM Alliance will also deliver 8 new kitchen modules in Lurín.

Together for common pots! More than 7,000 vulnerable people residing in the district of Pachacámac will improve their diet with the donation of 25 tons of non-perishable products delivered to 95 common pots in Manchay. This important initiative is possible thanks to the management of 'Manka Kusi', a project of the UNACEM Association, with the support of UNACEM and its strategic allies such as Alicorp and the Municipality of Pachacámac.

Thanks to this donation, 95 community pots, mostly led by women, received essential supplies such as oil, tuna, noodles and other products. This will allow them to cook at low cost and serve families in vulnerable situations, thus joining the private company, the municipality and other organizations to the challenge that common pots have to contribute to the food security of the population.


During the delivery, Alicorp contributed with an educational session implemented in a food truck aimed at the leaders of the communal pots. They were taught recipes rich in iron such as chaufa de sangrecita that, in addition to tasting the dish during the event, they will also be able to replicate in their communities to help combat anemia, mainly among infants and pregnant mothers. This Alicorp activity is part of the nutrition training that its “Pots that Develop” project provides to the beneficiaries of common pots, offering them easy, rich and balanced menus.

Manka Kusi, from the UNACEM Association, not only focuses on food delivery, but also promotes the development of capacities in 57 common pots, through training in finances, healthy practices, entrepreneurship and the implementation of cooking modules that contribute to improving sanitary conditions in the common pots. To date, 13 kitchen modules have already been delivered, benefiting more than 4,000 people around.

Mamacona common pot: new kitchen module implemented

As part of the strategic alliance between Alicorp and UNACEM, a kitchen module was also implemented for the Lomas Mamacona common pot in Lurín, which was inaugurated on Friday, July 19. Now this pot will be able to carry out its work in better conditions of hygiene and safety for both those who cook and the diners. It is planned to deliver 8 new kitchen modules under this strategic alliance in the Lurín district and in accordance with the availability of land and requested requirements.

The Lomas de Mamacona common pot, founded in June 2020, is part of the “Pots that develop” project, an Alicorp initiative, which also contributes to the development of common pots, through training and promotion of entrepreneurship, food delivery, equipment , among others.

This alliance between UNACEM and Alicorp to support the common pots of Pachacámac and Lurín, together with other allies, is an example that together we can build a sustainable world.


About UNACEM Association

THE ASSOCIATION is a non-profit civil association that promotes sustainable development through programs and projects for low-income sectors of Peru, and aimed at contributing to the achievement of the Organization's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). of the United Nations (UN). Since its creation in 2003, it has had different learnings and achievements thanks to the support of donors, such as UNACEM, as well as the articulated work and alliances with the public and private sectors, civil society, international cooperation and academia.


UNACEM is the company specialized in the production of cement and clinker in Peru of the UNACEM Group, which provides solutions to the infrastructure of our country, accompanying the construction of homes and emblematic works. It has more than 100 years of history, steeped in technological innovation, business growth, talent and knowledge. Its purpose, "United we grow to build a sustainable world", reflects its commitment to promoting a solid construction industry, with a focus on sustainable development in all its activities, caring for and protecting the environment and the quality of life of Peruvians. . As a leading company in the sector, UNACEM has a range of products that strengthens its commitment to the construction market and the country: Cemento Andino, Cemento Sol and Cemento Apu.

About Alicorp

Alicorp has operations in 5 Latin American countries and its more than 120 brands export to more than 30 nations. Alicorp specializes in four business lines: 1) Mass consumption (in the food, personal and home care categories), 2) B2B (industrial flours, industrial butters, premixes and gastronomy products), 3) Aquaculture (balanced feed for fish and shrimp) and 4) Grain milling (soybeans and sunflower seeds).