Alicorp's stock is listed in the Lima Stock Exchange, in Peru. The common stock can be found under the mnemonic of "ALICORC1", while the investment stock, under "ALICORI1".
Alicorp's stock is listed in the Lima Stock Exchange, in Peru. The common stock can be found under the mnemonic of "ALICORC1", while the investment stock, under "ALICORI1".
Alicorp's common and investment shares are listed on the Lima Stock Exchange under the symbols ALICORC1 and ALICORI1, respectively.
The Company distributes dividends once a year, in an amount which is not less than 10% of the net year’s profit. The exact amount to be paid is agreed during the General Shareholders Meeting and is determined taking into account the company CAPEX and the overall financial situation. Said amount is paid in cash.
Dividend payment and payment dates are determined by the Annual Shareholder Meeting. Nevertheless, payment is usually made in May.
You can see our credit rating by clicking in this link.
Alicorp has direct operations in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Chile, with Peru being the most important operation with 53% of consolidated sales in 2022. Additionally, it serves more than 30 countries through its export operations.
As of May 2023, Alicorp employed 8,050 people, of which:
Our corporative mission is to create leading brands that transform markets by providing our customers with extraordinary experiences. We are in constant movement seeking to innovate and generate Value and Welfare in the society. We believe that our activity is framed within a social and economic dimension. Hence, we are always seeking to build a win-win relation with our stakeholders. This implies increasing the corporation´s profits and keep developing skills and capabilities of each single employee within our value chain.
They are aligned principally through Alicorp's executive compensation program directed to its senior management (CEO and vicepresidents) that includes short and long term incentives. The long-term incentives aims to boost the executives performance by a payment vehicle based in Alicorp's shares, commiting them with the shareholders’ value creation.
PwC is the independent auditor of Alicorp and its subsidiaries for the year 2023.
You may contact the Investors Relations department through any of the following: • E-mail: • Reaching our office: Av. 28 de Julio 1150 - Miraflores, Lima, Peru.
You may see our senior management team by clicking here.
You may see our board of directors by clicking here.
Consolidated financial statements of Alicorp S.A.A. (hereinafter “the Parent”) show the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the Parent and its subsidiaries as if it were a single economic entity. All transactions between consolidated entities are totally eliminated. By contrast, the separate financial statements of Alicorp S.A.A., reflect the individual activity of the company, excluding the effects of consolidations with its subsidiaries. In these separate financial statements the value of investments in subsidiaries are recognized using the equity method. In terms of business divisions, the separate financial statements include the Consumer Goods and B2B businesses while the consolidated financial statements include, in addition to the two prior mentioned, the Aquafeed and Crushing businesses.
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